Saturday, June 30, 2007

July Already

Tomorrow is July already, and it means that a half of the year 2007 is gone. Poof.

The first day of the three-day weekend (I am taking a day off on Monday) is over, uneventfully. I did sleep over ten hours though -- I spent all day yesterday at work, looking at my budget and conciliating the expenses, and I was exhausted by the early evening. I went to bed before Mitch, and boy I felt good in the morning. We went to see Ratatouille. It was the first time Mitch has ever gone to a movie theater. It's pretty amazing, because he's been ready since age one. His attention and focus have been excellent. I'm not sure why we waited so long -- I think it's largely my hesitation in going to the theater. I haven't been to see a movie for a long time -- I think the last one was Star Wars I (the little Anakin one), isn't it over ten years ago?

My life has been crazy-busy, and I really didn't want to go sit in the dark for two hours, nothing else to do -- if we watched DVDs at home, I could knit, fold laundry, read, or work on my laptop -- it's all about multi-tasking. I'm going to have to let go of wanting to do so much all the time, as my son really enjoyed the experience today....

I started on a new pair of socks today, using the red tweed yarn I bought in Fort Bragg. This one will be for my mom again. While I was visiting her in May, I saw the first pair I knitted for her -- all worn out and pilled -- well loved. Best compliment and appreciation for the handknit socks, isn't it?

I am thinking about trying Fair Isle. Something simple. The latest issue of KnitScene has a cute sweater with a pretty Fair Isle pattern, and it's making my fingers itch! Colors, though...

A while ago I saw a blog about picking a color scheme for knitting, utilizing a image processing software.

I kept thinking about it when I saw the ice plant all over the side of the hills on the beach.

They were strikingly beautiful -- pinkish deep red, emerald green. It's a color combination I wouldn't have thought of.

Impressionism effect.

Tile effect. Pretty, huh?

So many projects, so little time. Sigh.

1 comment:

Stefaneener said...

What a great idea. I just don't want to take the time to learn one more thing on the computer . . . but it really looks good.

So little time, it seems. Where did all the knitting time go?