Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Blue Sky, Green Meadow, and the Pacific

I found out that grief and lace patterns don't mix. So I spun a lot over the weekend.

This looks bluer than the real color, but it's the same Romney I was spinning on the spindle while we were in Las Cruces. Now I have 80 grams total of plied.

I also dyed. Remember that botched attempt to dye white corriedale with Black-eyed-susans? I decided to over-dye it with turmeric.

Before and After.

I dyed the spun yarn with turmeric too, but the roving came out better, with brighter color. I'm a bit worried though that I might have felted it a bit in the process.... It's matted and doesn't draft. I have hand carders on order, so I'm hoping that the carding will help.

We went for a drive to the coast too. It was beautiful. Made me think of those who are no longer with us -- the last time I came here, it was with Charlie's dad.

"Mommy I'm gonna skip this rock."

Of course some lichen hunting involved. There were lots on the rocks.

And Sheeeeep!

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